If you are facing charges of driving on a suspended or revoked license you are probably worried about what this additional criminal charge could mean. Depending on the circumstances you could be facing jail time and fines as well as an extension of your license suspension. As Indiana defense lawyers experienced in criminal and traffic matters, we know what you are up against and want to help.
We often take our driving privileges for granted until we lose them. Once your license was suspended you probably realized just how much you depended on it on a daily basis. Having to rely on friends, family, public transportation, or your own two feet has likely made the suspension far from easy.
You may have had somewhere to be and no alternative transportation on the day that you were stopped and charged. You likely didn’t think you would get caught. Unfortunately, you were wrong.
Or you may have been totally unaware that your license was under suspension. The whole problem could be the result of a series of mistakes that weren’t your fault.
We know how this can happen, and what it takes to fix these cases in court. Having handled many driving on a suspended license cases, we have the experience and skills you need on your side when your day in court arrives. We will aggressively fight for the results you deserve.
Fight to keep your license, and keep your criminal record clean! Call us to find out what we can do for you.
Indiana Suspended License – Laws & Penalties
In most situations where your license was revoked or suspended due to a criminal conviction, you will be charged with a Class A misdemeanor for driving on a suspended license. This offense carries a potential penalty of up to 1 year in jail and fines reaching $5,000.
However, if during the operation of the vehicle, something happens (an auto accident, for instance) that causes injury to someone you will face Class D felony charges for driving on suspension. This felony charge carries a potential sentence of 6 months to 3 years in prison and fines reaching $10,000.
Remember, this is just for the driving on a suspended license charge. For a situation like this (auto accident leading to injury) you could also face additional charges.
In addition to jail or prison time and fines, you will face an extension of your license suspension. This additional suspension can add another 90 days to 2 years onto your suspension. The judge will determine exactly how much based on the specifics of your offense.
Ref: IC 9-24-19
Charged With Driving on Suspended License? Get a Free Consultation on your Case
Just when you thought your license suspension couldn’t get any more inconvenient you are at risk or additional suspensions and even facing possible jail time on a criminal charge.
We know what kind of stress this puts on a person. And our defense lawyers know what it takes the challegen the courts and the Indiana BMV records to get you a fair outcome.
We are eager to hear about your case and looking forward to the chance to represent you and offer our help. Call today for your legal consultation on any suspended license or related criminal traffic charge in Indiana.