More and more we are seeing stories of addiction and crime in relation to prescription drugs in Indiana. The trend is growing across the nation as well, as more and more people develop problems with these often legally obtained substances.
An Edinburgh man is facing 8 felony charges for calling in a fraudulent prescription for Loritabs and Xanax this past week and he is only one in a slew of recent reports.
Even seemingly legitimate prescriptions can lead to horrible accidents, as this case that killed Southern Indiana teen shows. The at-fault driver in the accident admitted to taking two prescription drugs before getting behind the wheel, drugs that may have caused him drowsiness.
So what’s being done? On a national level, the White House is said to have made some fairly promising goals in regards to prescription drug abuse. According to the Journal & Courier Online, within 5 years they hope to reduce the rate of drug use by youth by 15%, decrease drug use by young adults by 10%, reduce the number of chronic drug users by 15%, and reduce drugged driving by 10%.
They state an important part of these reductions will be addressing the prescription drug trade.
Prescription drug problems often start as a legitimate need, after surgery or for treatment of a condition. Many of them are highly addictive, however, and eventually lead to the user going to extremes to get their prescriptions filled.
Also, prescriptions offer an easy high with little perceived risk, They are often seen as less dangerous than street drugs, making people feel more comfortable about taking them.
Unfortunately, if you are caught driving while under the influence of a prescription to the point that it hinders your judgment, you can be charged with OWI. You can also be charged with a drug offense if you are found in possession of a controlled substance that is not prescribed to you.
If you are facing charges regarding prescription drugs, contact our offices today for a free consultation on your case and to discuss the options available to you.